Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Where Do You Learn?

We often hear the term "life-long learning" as a way to describe educating ourselves after our early formal education. This learning can take place within an educational institution or it can be self initiated. Life long learning implies that we are constantly taking time to update our skills and knowledge.

As a teacher I am involved in supporting learning for eager quilters and artists. These students come to learn for a variety of reasons: to upgrade their skills, to work towards developing their own art path, to have fun and meet like minded souls, or to explore their creativity.

Where do you go to learn? More and more I hear of quilters going to the web for their classes and workshops. Here is a list of sites I’ve compiled, if you know of others I could add, please let me know!

http://www.quiltuniversity.com My favourite, because I teach there!


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